[100922] Dujun Twitter Update

BeeeeestDJ 현승이와 추석맞이 심야스타한판!!! 같이하실부운!!!!!!^^ http://yfrog.com/04ojjtj

[TRANS] Playing Starcraft with Hyunseungie to welcome Chuseok!!! Who wants to play together!!!!!! ^^

BeeeeestDJ 나홀로 숙소……. 외롭다…………

[TRANS] Alone in the dorm…. Lonely…….

BeeeeestDJ 연잡 공카 다 눈팅중이에요!!!^^
특히 406120번 글 이런거 좋네요..^^

[TRANS] I’m lurking around Bestiz and the official cafe!!!^^
I especially like writings like no. 406120.. ^^

Trans by alwaysbyYS
Translations may contain inaccuracies

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